
Are you outgunned by your teenaged child? 16 Dec 2016

Are you outgunned by your teenaged child?

Are You Outgunned By Your Teenaged Child? (The Teenage Years)When your child is young, it goes without saying that immense care and love is required for upbringing. With time, your child will no more be a kid and enter the bumpiest stage of his/her life-the teenage years. Being a teenager is not onl...

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Planning a new baby? Are you ready? 13 Dec 2016

Planning a new baby? Are you ready?

In the ads and most of the media we are exposed to, motherhood is portrayed as a reason for great happiness. They're right about the joy and excitement you feel on being an actual mother, unlike in childhood, when you may have play acted with your Barbie, but what is often ignored in popular media i...

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Marriage: Beyond the Wedding Day 08 Dec 2016

Marriage: Beyond the Wedding Day

Marriage is a roller coaster ride. There is no set pattern for a romantic relationship but most often it unfolds in the following 3 stages:- Infatuation- Doubt- AttachmentInfatuationThis represents the early stages, when a couple has just gotten married—the period when the brain releases a host of...

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Life in the times of Dear Zindagi 06 Dec 2016

Life in the times of Dear Zindagi

Written by Dinika AnandThe first time my friend told me that Dear Zindagi dealt with mental health in a sensitive way, I turned around and rolled my eyes at her but then I don’t think I have ever been happier about being proved wrong. Dear Zindagi is a beautiful portrayal of a much needed conv...

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Talk your way to a Happy Relationship 05 Dec 2016

Talk your way to a Happy Relationship

Written by Dinika AnandWhen it comes to relationships and marriage, everyone has an opinion on what makes a perfect relationship. We get to hear a lot of diverse opinions about that one special ingredient which can make or break a relationship. Some people talk about how trust matters the most, whil...

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Tip Sheet- Exam Stress 06 Feb 2017

Tip Sheet- Exam Stress

Students are often faced with a series of exams this time of the year, which are usually scheduled closely together. This can lead to great stress for students - and those who live with them! The words stress and pressure are often used interchangeably but in fact they are quite different. Pressure ...

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How to Counsel Adolescents in Today’s Day and Age 10 Oct 2016

How to Counsel Adolescents in Today’s Day and Age

Written by Rupalim PatgiriAdolescents constitute more than one-fifth of the global population . They are the future of our society, and hence, their physical and mental health is of paramount importance. As adolescence is a period when individuals undergo rapid physical and psychological changes, st...

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5 Discipline Issues Every Parent Faces and How To Solve Them 23 Jan 2017

5 Discipline Issues Every Parent Faces and How To Solve Them

Even though being a parent can be rewarding, it definitely comes with its challenges. Every time you have to discipline your child, you face a unique set of problems. And it is essential to do so because what children learn or don’t learn when they are young influences their behaviour in society.&...

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