
Is ADHD a learning difficulty? 13 Nov 2016

Is ADHD a learning difficulty?

Written by Bina NangiaI am often asked these questions in my job as special educator. ‘What is a learning difficulty?’ ‘What is attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD and ADHD)?’ ‘Is there any difference between them?’ Many people think that the two ...

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Workplace Bullying 10 Oct 2016

Workplace Bullying

When you hear the word ‘bully’, what do you think of? A gang of children, towering over a lone girl or boy, threatening, sneering at and making fun of him or her? If yes, the reason is that most of us have either witnessed or experienced such instances of bullying first-hand when we were young o...

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Mental Wellbeing: Let’s Talk about It 10 Oct 2016

Mental Wellbeing: Let’s Talk about It

Written by Sonali Patnaik10th October has been observed as World Mental Health Day every year since 1993 and is an initiative by the WHO. In the age of extremely rapid information exchange across the world, it seems ironic that we as a society are still hesitant to talk about anything remotely relat...

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Take This Quiz to Find Out If You Have Internet Addiction 10 Oct 2016

Take This Quiz to Find Out If You Have Internet Addiction

Love the World Wide Web? Maybe a bit too much? Have you ever wondered if you have internet addiction? Answer the following questions to find out:1.    Do you find yourself constantly spending more and more of your day online?2.    Do you turn to activities on the Internet when yo...

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Smart Parenting 10 Oct 2016

Smart Parenting

Written by Savita MenonAm I well prepared?Have I learned how to walk balance work and being a parent?Have I learned when to indulge and pamper?And when to stick to a ‘No’?Have I learned not to be paranoid but still watchful?Am I being the best parent I can be?Is my child happy and healthy?These ...

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Mindfulness in Everyday Life 10 Oct 2016

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Written By Sonali Patnaik‘We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us, that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet’ – William Butler Yeats         &n...

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Are you outgunned by your teenaged child? 16 Dec 2016

Are you outgunned by your teenaged child?

Are You Outgunned By Your Teenaged Child? (The Teenage Years)When your child is young, it goes without saying that immense care and love is required for upbringing. With time, your child will no more be a kid and enter the bumpiest stage of his/her life-the teenage years. Being a teenager is not onl...

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Autism Awareness - Introduction 27 Mar 2017

Autism Awareness - Introduction

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to socialize and communicate with others. ASD can also result in restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. The term “spectrum” refers to the wide range of symptoms, skills an...

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