
Planning a new baby? Are you ready?

Posted By : Administrator Tuesday 13 Dec, 2016
Planning a new baby? Are you ready?

In the ads and most of the media we are exposed to, motherhood is portrayed as a reason for great happiness. They're right about the joy and excitement you feel on being an actual mother, unlike in childhood, when you may have play acted with your Barbie, but what is often ignored in popular media is the other zillion emotions that you go through. Unfathomable love is often followed by stress and worries like the following: What if I fail to be a good mother? How do I deal with these extra responsibilities? These questions haunt every new mother literally every day! People deal with stress differently. But sooner or later, mothers tend to go through a nerve-wracking phase in life.

Are you in a similar situation?

Some aspects of welcoming a new member into the family might send jitters down your spine, but as a mother, you will have to get used to:

• Your new role and obligation as a mother.

• Financial planning

• Physical changes in your body

• Variation in relationship with other family members

• Alteration in your daily schedule of work, sleep and even meals

Mothers fail to realize the extent to which these revolutions can affect them mentally and physically. No insight into these knotty circumstances can leave you feeling worse. Being aware of your condition is the first step towards emerging on the other side. If these transformations feel overwhelming and you often find yourself irritated, upset or anxious, or if the thought of all this stresses you out, don't worry. At times like this, speaking to a counsellor can be a great source of comfort and guidance.

Sometimes all you need is somebody to listen to you and give you excellent advice. Someone who will not only understand your feelings but also be your guiding light in this difficult time and remind you of the brighter side of having a baby. After all, who doesn’t love those cute giggles?!

Catex Health is a large network of mental health experts who are available 24x7 for your support and will ensure confidential, dignified and empowering support for any sort of emotional distress. Click here to reach out to an expert or call +91 9911775626.