
Are you outgunned by your teenaged child?

Posted By : Administrator Friday 16 Dec, 2016
Are you outgunned by your teenaged child?

Are You Outgunned By Your Teenaged Child? (The Teenage Years)

When your child is young, it goes without saying that immense care and love is required for upbringing. With time, your child will no more be a kid and enter the bumpiest stage of his/her life-the teenage years. Being a teenager is not only frustrating for the cranky generation but is also equally stressful for the parents.

As parents, you need to firstly adapt to the idea that your kid is now a teenager. There are some usual characteristics of puberty that present in every child-surge of hormones, peer pressure, struggling with study and career options, dating problems, etc. These are also some of the most common causes of being moody and sulking. Being occasionally upset or grouchy is acceptable. 

However, if the following occur often, then there is need for intervention:

• Cursing

• Yelling

• Ignoring any assigned work

• Staying aloof

• Arguing with parents or elders constantly

• Picking up habits like smoking/drinking

These are signs you need to look out for. In this kind of behaviour, your teenager may not only be upset but also disrespectful and pay no heed to you no matter how considerate you are towards them. 

If you see your teenager display most of the above traits, he/she has a tendency to be impulsive.

As a parent, you have a many responsibilities and an impulsive teenage son or daughter will just add up to the load. Even the calmest of parents tend to lose their cool when their teenagers turn rebellious. This unruly nature can make you feel and question your parenting skills. All you need to do is stay a little relaxed and go with the flow.

Here are 5 best tips to manage such situations:

• Connect with your teen emotionally and try to talk to them, but also give them their space.

• Try not to judge or advise them over issues that are already bothering them. Just be a good listener, and your children will return the favor!

• Remind yourself that it is just a phase and it will pass.

• Keep your teen as involved as possible in the family because secluded teens tend to turn more violent and have anger issues.

• Stop over-reacting and creating a fuss over everything that your teen does.

Dealing with defiant and recalcitrant teenagers comes with its own set of challenges. Sometimes, as a parent, you might need an expert opinion on how to deal with a taciturn teenager.

Catex Health is a large network of mental health experts who are available 24x7 for your support and will ensure confidential, dignified and empowering support for any sort of emotional distress. Click here to reach out to an expert or call +91 9911775626.