
Autism Awareness - Introduction 27 Mar 2017

Autism Awareness - Introduction

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to socialize and communicate with others. ASD can also result in restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. The term “spectrum” refers to the wide range of symptoms, skills an...

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What's social media depression? Might I have it? 24 Mar 2017

What's social media depression? Might I have it?

In a world where social media Web sites spread news of engagements and breakups, job gains and losses, or even news of life and death, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Web sites such as Facebook help you keep up with friends and family, but you're realizing how easy it is to get sucked into the whir...

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Common symptoms of Down Syndrome 20 Mar 2017

Common symptoms of Down Syndrome

The symptoms of Down syndrome vary from person to person, and people with Down syndrome may have different problems at different times of their lives.Physical SymptomsCommon physical signs of Down syndrome include:• Decreased or poor muscle tone• Short neck, with excess skin at the back of the n...

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Depression and Down Syndrome 17 Mar 2017

Depression and Down Syndrome

It is now recognised that depression is a relatively common condition in the general population. It affects about one in four adults at some time in their lives. In India, majority of the population show signs of suffering from anxiety or depression.Is depression common in people with Down’s syndr...

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Introduction to Down Syndrome and Mental health 15 Mar 2017

Introduction to Down Syndrome and Mental health

Down's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in extra genetic material from chromosome 21. It causes a distinct facial appearance, intellectual disability and developmental delays.Individuals with Down syndrome have- delay in cognitive development with specific de...

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Life Lessons from Carrie Fisher: Beyond Drug Abuse 03 Jan 2017

Life Lessons from Carrie Fisher: Beyond Drug Abuse

                                   Drugs made me feel more normal.                                        &nbs...

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Common symptoms of Down Syndrome 20 Mar 2017

Common symptoms of Down Syndrome

The symptoms of Down syndrome vary from person to person, and people with Down syndrome may have different problems at different times of their lives.Physical SymptomsCommon physical signs of Down syndrome include:• Decreased or poor muscle tone• Short neck, with excess skin at the back of the n...

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Challenges of Chronic Illness 10 Oct 2016

Challenges of Chronic Illness

Written by Dinika AnandDiagnosis of any illness is often a source of stress and anxiety. When the verdict is of a chronic condition disease in which the symptoms are long lasting and their effect is felt over the course of months and years—it becomes a cause for endless worry. It’s not just the ...

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