
Common Myths about Mental Illness That India Needs to Dismiss

Posted By : Administrator Friday 03 Feb, 2017
Common Myths about Mental Illness That India Needs to Dismiss

India is a rapidly developing nation. But even in this modern age, a grave concern such as mental illness is not spoken about openly, and patients are often shunned marginalised by society. In 2001, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that globally 450 million people suffer from mental disorders . As of April 2016, the WHO estimates that 350 million people suffer from depression alone . It is sad that while mental illness is so widespread, so little of the population truly recognises and understands it.

This lack of knowledge has given rise to these myths about mental illnesses:

Mental illness only affects a few people

 At least 6.5% of the Indian population suffers from some form of serious mental ailment, with no perceptible rural–urban differences.  We would do well to remember mental illness is common and can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, income and lifestyle.

Mental illness is caused by a personal frailty

A mental illness is certainly NOT a character flaw. It is caused by biological, social and environmental factors. Seeking and accepting help is the right step.

People with mental illnesses never get better

Therapy works! Treatments for mental illnesses are numerous and more sophisticated than ever. Researchers continue to discover new methods. With the right kind of help, most people recover and lead a healthy, productive and satisfying life.

People with mental illness can easily ‘snap out of it’

Again, mental illness is NOT a personal weakness and cannot be ‘cured’ by personal strength. Ailments like depression have nothing to do with being lazy or weak. These result from changes in brain chemistry or brain function. Therapy and/or medication definitely help. 

People with mental illnesses are violent

People with a mental illness are no more violent or dangerous than the rest of the population. Yes, they are more likely to harm themselves or are even under the threat of being harmed by others, but not the other way round.

Mental illnesses are contagious

Psychiatric disorders are medical conditions due to an imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain. They can be passed on genetically, but are in no way contagious. We need to understand that mental health issues are NOT a result of bad morals. A lot of times, black magic is also suspected as a cause for illnesses, which is totally incorrect.

It is surprising that for every 1 million people in India, there are just 3 psychiatrists, and even fewer psychologists. But we wish to change that.

Catex Health is a large network of mental health experts who are available 24x7 for your support and will ensure confidential, dignified and empowering support for any sort of emotional distress. Click here to reach out to an expert or call +91 9911775626.