
Life Lessons from Carrie Fisher: Beyond Drug Abuse

Posted By : Administrator Tuesday 03 Jan, 2017
Life Lessons from Carrie Fisher: Beyond Drug Abuse

                                   Drugs made me feel more normal.

                                                                          -    Carrie Fisher 

When actress Carrie Fisher was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 24, she ignored all medical advice pertaining to her illness till she was 28. Sadly, her way of escaping from it all was to turn to drugs and alcohol. 

Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, the Hollywood celebrity,—born to actress Debbie Reynolds and singer Eddie Fisher—was renowned for her forthcoming nature and wit. Less associated with her was drug and alcohol addiction. 

Weed by the tender age of 13, cocaine by 19 when she was cast as Princess Leia, LSD and painkillers came shortly after. While boasting of a great career, one wonders if Carrie would have been able to do even more had she dealt more carefully with her mental health.

Carrie Fisher is just one prominent example of the effects of drug abuse; it happens all around us. The highs are tempting, of course. The drugs and alcohol seem to provide relief from a tiresome world loaded with problems we'd rather not face. These substances create a false sense of euphoria, encouraging people to live in self-made illusions of grandeur that can never be sustained, always pushing them to consume more and more to chase that same high. 

Dealing with drug abuse is hard, as Carrie’s life is testament to the fact, but still viable. It requires taking definitive steps to get better.

Accept Your Problem

Understand that you have a problem, one that is yours. Few people get into drug abuse without underlying issues pushing them. These are attractive excuses that conveniently hinder one from making a decision to get things right. You were pushed into this by factors you, perhaps, had no control over, but it's your problem now. Avoid the blame game and get to work. 

Make the Decision 

Making the first step is always up to you. It's your problem, and the decision to deal with it is also yours to make. Drug abuse, in the long run, helps no one. Everyone loses; your career, your family and even you.  

Let Others In

The decision is yours to make, yes, but the fight doesn't have to be yours alone. Family and friends are right there with you. Accept their aid. It's an uphill journey, made better with the support of the people who care. 

Seek Professional Help

When dealing with matters as serious as drug abuse, professional help is a must. You can contact us for help with whatever issues you face. 

Even the strongest of people can succumb to the pitfall of compulsive drug abuse, including Princess Leia. What counts are your efforts towards achieving a clean and healthy lifestyle. 

Catex Health is a large network of mental health experts who are available 24x7 for your support and will ensure confidential, dignified and empowering support for any sort of emotional distress. Click here to reach out to an expert or call +91 9911775626.