
Career Dissatisfaction and its correlation with Low-productivity

Posted By : Administrator Tuesday 20 Dec, 2016
Career Dissatisfaction and its correlation with Low-productivity

There are few things more depressing than waking up on a Monday morning to the promise of spending the day at a job you just do not enjoy. A demanding, egotistical boss, petulant colleagues, the monotony of doing the same tasks all through the week, a lack of advancement along your career path, and of course, unsatisfactory financial remuneration come payday. You start to feel caged, undervalued, and ultimately stop giving it your all. 

You are not alone. Studies have shown that less than 50% of workers are satisfied with their jobs, a damning statistic which perhaps throws some light on the cause of the inefficiency of the labour force.

It is simple human behaviour—we put more effect into activities we actually enjoy doing. So what happens when the worker starts feeling that the job doesn’t offer enough?

Stress Levels Increase

When employees lack fulfillment at their places of work, a higher level of stress is almost surely going to be reported. It begins with the general disposition of the worker—smiles become fewer, frowns set in, attitude deteriorates and getting through the day at work becomes just a tad more difficult. 

Morale Drops

Humans are wired to unconsciously share the emotions of those around them. One unsatisfied face at the office can result in a dozen unsatisfied faces by the end of the day. Negative body language and attitude will quickly spread through the organization like wildfire, leaving a pile of nonchalance and badly hit morale in its wake—a nightmare scenario for any organization.

Rate of Employee Turnover Rises

It’s a fact that every business model requires stability for growth. In a situation of widespread job dissatisfaction, however, a significant rise in employee turnover is noticed. Workers who are not satisfied can only bear their dissatisfaction for so long before they cut their losses and seek out greener pastures. While labour is almost always replaceable, a high employee turnover rate only provides negative repercussions for the organization.

Absenteeism and Tardiness Become Prevalent

As previously stated, doing things you don’t enjoy ends up feeling like chores no matter how much energy you try to inject in them. When job dissatisfaction sets in, it becomes all so easy to take that extra couple of moments to chat up the person on the next desk, to call in sick on lazy Monday mornings, to not put in that last bit of effort that separates a decent work from a great one. These add up and inevitably result in below-par work. 

Drop in Productivity

When all these issues come into play, a drop in productivity becomes unavoidable—worker efficiency takes a hit, and quality of service declines.

Regrettably, we’ve all been at that point—the economy leaves no room for personal preference. Getting dissatisfied at one job is bound to happen, but a second or third occurrence is probably a cue for you to speak with an expert. You can be helped to determine any underlying issues that may be causing this dissatisfaction and receive guidance and support on your career path. 

Catex Health is a large network of mental health experts who are available 24x7 for your support and will ensure confidential, dignified and empowering support for any sort of emotional distress. Click here to reach out to an expert or call +91 9911775626.